Treat Yourself with Mud and Minerals in Calistoga

  • Spas
  • on FEBRUARY 19, 2018
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Treat Yourself with Mud and Minerals in Calistoga

By Julia Chang February 19, 2018

On a recent trip to Wine Country, 我被说服去ag体育正规不仅是为了品尝最好的出租车和皮诺酒, 但要把身体弄脏,来个泥浴水疗 MoonAcre Spa and Baths at the Calistoga Motor Lodge.

这里有葡萄园和自行车道,还有地下地热矿泉水温泉, Calistoga has a renowned history as a place of healing. Over half a century ago, 瓦波部落的成员是第一个在圣巴巴拉山脚附近发现天然火山温泉的人. Helena. The rest, as they say, is spa-history, 顾客们从四面八方赶来,享受卡利斯托加的神奇疗效, 在矿物温泉或火山泥浴中放松.

Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick

The latter was what I had signed up for, though upon arrival, 我被告知,享受MoonAcre的“民主”与其说是一场泥浴,不如说是一种玩耍, mix-your-own mud bar. 这种古老的健康仪式的新形式与MoonAcre更新、开放的美学和氛围非常契合. Still, 它没有放弃你在水疗中心想要的奢华因素, such as a selection of massages, facials, luxurious products, 以及由卡利斯托加著名的矿泉水主演的专业治疗.

Modeled after a classic bathhouse, 月亩水疗中心和浴场把一个古怪的旋转矿泉和疗法来自世界各地. The spa features seven treatment rooms, and several, such as the changing room and the steam room, 是覆盖在柔软的薄荷和深蓝色泳池瓷砖舒缓的调色板, 鼓励一种深层次的放松,无论你选择什么样的体验.

Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick

Just outside the changing rooms, 我喝了一杯柠檬黄瓜凉水,欣赏着墙上关于蛇油和其他恢复酒的建议. 这个半开玩笑的招牌勾起了我的写作幻想(在别处), 在一间同样贴着瓷砖的浴室里,有四个独立的爪足浴缸, 一个写着“泳池规则”的牌子,建议顾客“不要在没有搭档的情况下尝试双人比赛”)。, 虽然这可能不适合那些不能对生活笑一笑的人.

月亮亩水疗中心本身是设置宁静远离喧嚣的小屋, in a secluded area of the property. The spa is larger than it looks from the outside, with a large enclosed garden and patio area, with plenty of lounge furniture for quiet sunning. 我瞥了一眼蛋形的阿卡普尔科,想象着自己在阳光下悠闲地躺在上面,喝着MoonAcre的含羞草或一杯热葡萄酒, 然后提醒自己我是来排毒的, not imbibe them in.

Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick

一位水疗服务员来了,护送我和我的水疗伙伴到室外水池, where she has set out two pails of dirt. What I learn, however, 这可不是普通的泥土——这东西来自法国, and when mixed properly, becomes Green French Clay and White Caroline Clay.

She reiterates that this won’t be a traditional mud bath. I don’t particularly mind, 因为那需要我把脖子埋在满是灰烬的浴缸里, peat, and mineral water, 等待着由我自己的身体产生的热量,被泥土隔离,把我皮肤里的毒素抽出来. To be absolutely transparent, I’ve never done a traditional mud bath, but I vastly prefer this DIY mud bar experience, since the mud is created in small, fresh batches, 在等待皮肤净化的同时,我仍然可以享受全方位的活动.

温泉浴场服务员耐心地指导我们如何正确地用粘土覆盖身体. 白色卡洛琳适用于面部、颈部和其他敏感部位, such as under our arms or behind our knees, an area of skin that, up until this very moment, I had given zero consideration. 绿粘土适用于其他任何地方,我们被鼓励把它涂上一层.

Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick

She shows us to the steam room, 因为外面的风太冷了,不能躺在可爱的天井花园里. Inside, the air is a visible, white mist, 我们咯咯地笑着,开始往脸上抹白粘土, unsure if we are doing it right. 我们意识到,我们被允许用泥土覆盖自己,用热情投入. 白粘土很好,涂上去很顺滑,就像昂贵的晚霜. The green clay is chunky and cool and gloriously gloopy, and we slather it onto ourselves before laying down, mud-side up, basking in the eucalyptus scented steam. 我的同伴马上用一条凉毛巾蒙着眼睛跑开了,所以我只能自娱自乐. I check to see how the clay is doing, and in lifting my legs, 发现我皮肤上粘土的颜色与美丽的绿色泳池瓷砖相匹配. 我对我的同伴说了这么多,却没有得到任何回应. My fingers slip and slide, redistributing the mud and coloring my legs, 这种经历非常像我童年时的手指画课程.

After ten or so minutes, 我们到外面去用室外淋浴器把泥洗掉, 水疗服务员还为我们准备了新陶碗来涂我们的正面. 到现在为止,风已经小了很多,所以我们选择在封闭的露台上画画. We take turns, 每个人都面朝下躺在蓝绿色的桌椅上,而另一个人则在粘土上作画. It’s fun and whimsical in a way I hadn’t expected, 拿一个干净的油漆刷,用长笔刷给我的水疗伙伴的背部上色, wrist up, wrist down, 在我的泥巴冒险家同伴的轮廓线内着色.

Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, Aubrie Pick

当我们的背部都被粘土覆盖时,我们躺在毛巾上,准备烘烤. It takes surprisingly little time for the mud to harden, 很快,我的手臂后侧看起来已经发展成一种高级的灰度状态. Back into the eucalyptus mist we go, laying on our stomachs, 我看着我手臂上的烤粘土在第二次蒸汽过程中慢慢地重新水化. Feeling utterly relaxed, I look out at the garden through the glass doors, 并梦幻般的注意到世界的质量,通过冷凝重面板. The steam room meditation ends all too soon, 因为在我们之后还有一对情侣预定了泥吧体验, but I can hardly complain because I am zen.

在大雨中洗了一遍之后(确保洗得好——粘土最终会出现在意想不到的地方), in which I use all the in-house, grapefruit-scented products, it’s time to head home, 开车穿过ag体育正规,却已经开始梦想下一次卡利斯托加水疗之旅了.

1880 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga, 94515, (707) 942-0991