
  • 2024年4月23日
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作者:酒Country Collective 2024年4月23日

酒 is one of the oldest beverages known to man, and continues to be celebrated globally. Yet, the intricacies of grapes, winemaking, and tasting might seem a bit daunting to newcomers.

别害怕,我们是来帮忙的! We’ve compiled 50 wine facts and tips designed to inform and empower you the next time you reach for a bottle. So, 不管你是喝香槟还是喝纳帕赤霞珠, 用这个指南来提升你的葡萄酒知识和经验吧. Because when it comes to the world of wine, it’s a big wide world worth exploring.



  • 尽管你经常听到葡萄被称为“水果”,” botanists technically classify grapes as berries since each fruit forms from a single flower.
  • 研究人员认为葡萄已经存在了大约6500万年, and that some of the grape varieties enjoyed by us today are directly descended from these primordial fruit.
  • Humans have been cultivating grapes for 8,000 years—since before recorded history. Archeologists believe the first grapes were grown in Eastern Europe and the fruit spread from there.
  • The Romans are believed to be the first to call different grape varieties by different names.
  • 有超过10个,科学家已知的葡萄品种多达1000种, 大于1,目前世界上有300个品种用于酿造商业葡萄酒.
  • 全球最受欢迎的葡萄包括 赤霞珠, 夏敦埃酒和梅洛.
  • The grapes at the supermarket—known as table grapes—have much thinner skins and far more seeds than the varieties used to make wine.
  • 葡萄园面积约为7.300万公顷(近1800万英亩)的土地遍布全球, 与中国, 意大利, 法国, 西班牙, 美国, 土耳其是全球最大的葡萄种植国.
  • 然而,最大的葡萄酒生产国是意大利、法国、西班牙、美国和欧洲.S.美国、中国和阿根廷. 2022年,意大利以49人领先.100万升,法国为46万升.生产了600万升葡萄酒.
图片由 Somerston房地产ag体育正规


  • The region where a grape is grown is an important determining factor in how the wine turns out. 土壤养分, 日照量, 温度变化, 水分和雾等条件会严重影响葡萄酒的风味.
  • “Old World” wine refers to those from traditional wine producing regions in Europe, 如法国, 意大利, 和西班牙, 哪里的酿酒业有几百年的历史. “新世界”葡萄酒, 另一方面, 是在美国这样的国家生产的, 澳大利亚, 和智利, 哪里的酿酒传统受到了欧洲前辈的影响. 新世界国家通常也没有太多的酿酒规则或限制.
  • 在温暖气候下生长的葡萄往往有成熟的水果味, 更明显的酒精含量, 更少的酸度, 更丰满的身体.
  • 生长在气候较冷地区的葡萄通常不会那么快成熟, 是什么让葡萄保持较高的酸度, 美好的味道, 还有更轻的身体.
  • The latitude and altitude at which grapes are grown also significantly impact the wine. 例如, Argentine Malbec from high-altitude vineyards in Mendoza offers a different profile compared to Malbec grown at lower elevations.
  • 葡萄酒产区遍布整个美国.S., but the states of California, Washington, and New York lead the country in wine production.
  • 加州占美国石油产量的大部分.S. 出产葡萄酒,产量约占全国的80%.
  • 而起泡酒, 意思是有二氧化碳气泡的酒, 可以在任何地方制作, only sparkling wine grown in the Champagne region of northeast 法国 can be called Champagne.
图片由 约旦酒厂在索诺玛县


  • 一般来说, white wines should be served before reds; younger wines should be served before older vintages; and dry wines should be served before sweeter ones.
  • 说到上菜的温度, 白葡萄酒应该在45-50华氏度的温度下饮用, 而红酒应该稍微热一点, 50-60华氏度. Sweet wines, like Ports and dessert wines, should be served closer to 55-65 degrees, while 起泡葡萄酒 do best when thoroughly chilled to 43-48 degrees Fahrenheit—not only for optimal enjoyment, 同时也是为了无缝的开瓶体验.
  • 如果你需要快速冷却一瓶葡萄酒, 湿一些纸巾或厨房毛巾,把它们包裹在瓶子上. 然后,把包装好的瓶子放在冰箱里大约15到20分钟. Just be sure to set a timer—leaving it too long could risk the bottle freezing and potentially breaking.
  • 倾析, 将葡萄酒从瓶子中倒入另一个容器的过程, 有时能通过让葡萄酒“呼吸”来改善其风味吗,” softening harsh tannins and allowing the nuances to open after being cooped up for so long. 将年份较长的葡萄酒醒酒是一种常见的做法, 特别是, 不仅仅是打开它, but to also separate the wine from sediment which may have accumulated in the bottle while aging.


  • 一般来说,葡萄酒的颜色取决于所用的葡萄. Reds are usually made from purple or blue grapes, while whites are made from greener grapes.
  • 发酵红酒时, winemakers usually include the skin and other parts of the fruit along with the wine juice, 使酒的味道更浓,颜色更深. 白葡萄酒仅由果汁制成.
  • 大多数白葡萄酒酒体较轻,口感较清爽, 与红葡萄酒相比,有更多的柑橘味.
  • 白葡萄酒通常比红葡萄酒含有更少的酒精和更少的卡路里.
  • 红葡萄酒通常装在较大的碗里 玻璃器皿 因此,大胆的香气和味道可以通过与空气中的氧气混合而产生.
  • 酒s aren’t just red or white, you’ll also find pink (rosé) and even orange wines.
  • Although winemakers will describe a wine as having certain flavors like blueberries, 柑橘类, 甚至是泥土, 葡萄酒实际上并没有任何“调味”. 这些味道和香气来自葡萄, 酿酒过程, 和衰老, 比如在橡木桶里.
  • 酒s aged in oak barrels often have notes of vanilla, cloves, smoke, coconut, or toast. The type of oak and the time spent aging can significantly influence the wine’s final taste profile.
  • 当你在你的 玻璃,你可能会注意到液体形成的“腿”沿着两边流下来. 这常常被误认为是葡萄酒质量的标志, 但它实际上反映了葡萄酒的酒精含量和酒体. Bigger wines with higher alcohol tend to have more pronounced legs due to the difference in evaporation rates between alcohol and water.


  • 品酒的第一步是看酒的外观. Noting the color and viscosity with your eyes can give an idea of how the wine may taste and how old it is.
  • 第二步是分析香味. 旋转玻璃杯几次,让氧气包围玻璃杯内部. Don’t be shy—get your nose deep into the 玻璃 in order to pick up the complex nuances.
  • 首先进入鼻子的香味与葡萄的某些方面有关, while secondary and tertiary aromas are connected to 酿酒过程 and how the wine aged.
  • 喝一小口葡萄酒,以获得良好的味道. 用舌头将葡萄酒在口中滚动,注意不同的味道, 以及那些味道和质地击中你的舌头. Pursing your lips and inhaling some air while the wine is still on your palate is also a nice way to spread the more complex flavors.
  • 吞咽后, 注意回味, 这可能与葡萄酒第一次进入你的舌头时的味道不同. 它有一个愉快的结束吗? 味道会在舌头上停留几秒钟吗?
  • 现在,得出一些结论——这酒是不是太酸了? 太甜? 太多酒精? 还是整个过程都很平衡? This will help you determine whether a wine is just okay, pretty good, or simply fantastic.
  • 如果你想成为一个真正的鉴赏家,记笔记. 记录酒庄, 葡萄品种, 今年, 还有你的思想:那边, 如果你以后想回到同一年份, 你会有一个坚实的基础来了解你的品味是如何演变的.


  • 酒 is famous for complementing food, and different wines pair well with different meals. 广义上讲, 白葡萄酒更适合搭配清淡的食物, 喜欢吃鱼, 家禽, and vegetables; reds tend to go better with red meat or heartier dishes, 但一定要把这作为开始的指导方针. 试着根据重量或强度来搭配你的酒和食物.
  • 搭配时的另一个建议是考虑酱汁和/或调味料. 葡萄酒应与菜肴的主要风味相辅相成, 比如酱汁或调味料,而不是主要成分本身. 例如, 奶油酱可能需要黄油霞多丽, whereas a dish with a tomato-based sauce pairs well with a more acidic wine like Sangiovese.
  • 甜酸平衡吗. Sweet dishes tend to pair better with sweeter wines; otherwise, the wine may taste bland. 类似的, acidic foods like salads with vinaigrette pair well with wines that have a higher acidity, 比如长相思.
  • 有时候,不同的口味搭配在一起效果很好. 例如, a sweet-style Riesling can nicely counterbalance the spiciness of Thai cuisine.
  • 一起生长的东西一起走. 如果拿不准,可以将葡萄酒与同一地区的食物搭配. 这在旧大陆地区尤其重要, 哪里的食物和酒在文化上是一起进化的.
图片由 鲍勃McClenahan


  • ag体育正规是美国最古老的葡萄酒产区之一, 1861年,查尔斯·克鲁格(Charles Krug)建立了第一个商业葡萄园.
  • ag体育正规被指定为第一个 美国葡萄种植区 (AVA) in California in 1981, recognizing its unique climate, geology, and history.
  • ag体育正规相对较小, 大约30英里长,5英里宽, 但它有明显的种植区, 不同的小气候, 以及超过一半的世界公认的土壤类型.
  • 该地区得益于地中海气候,非常适合葡萄种植. 温暖的天气有利于葡萄成熟, 而凉爽的夜晚有助于保持葡萄的酸度, 平衡葡萄酒必备.
  • 虽然ag体育正规种植了许多种类的葡萄,但它最著名的是它的 赤霞珠又名葡萄之王. 该地区的气候和土壤特别适合这种品种, 酿造出风味浓郁、备受追捧的葡萄酒, 结构, 衰老潜力.
  • ag体育正规是 16个不同的AVAs 还有近475家酿酒厂.
  • 就生产和旅游业而言,ag体育正规的经济是由葡萄酒推动的. 除了优质的葡萄酒和热情好客的体验, 你会发现世界一流的餐厅和一流的酒店. ag体育正规每年吸引数百万游客是有原因的!
  • ag体育正规是第一个崇拜的葡萄酒” and today, some of the most expensive and prestigious wines in the world come from 纳帕 Valley.


Gone are the days when wine appreciation was seen as a pretentious pastime—with a bit of knowledge, 这实际上是非常愉快的. Armed with these basic facts about wine—from the impact of climate and geography on winemaking to the detailed techniques of wine tasting and serving—you’re now prepared to explore the depth and breadth of the wine world. So, 给自己倒一杯, 品尝浓郁的风味和香气, 为这个历史悠久的传统干杯!